These terms of use apply to all users of information provision services (here in after, "users of services" to be referred to as "Users," and "information provision services" to be referred to as "Information Services") provided by the Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization (hereinafter, "MIPRO") over the Internet.
MIPRO provides Information Services via website, as stated in the following paragraph ("3. Information Services Media").
MIPRO provides Information Services over the Internet via the following media.
MIPRO provides the following Information Services via website.
In the following circumstances, MIPRO will temporarily interrupt the provision of Information Services without giving prior notice to the Users of the services, and will work to restore the services as quickly as possible.
MIPRO has the right to terminate all or part of its Information Services after an appropriate notice period, in the event of rational and compelling circumstances resulting from various business-related or socioeconomic factors.
Any announcement concerning the termination of services will be given on the MIPRO website.
Users must create the necessary computer environment for receiving Information Services at their own responsibility and expense, such as a computer (hardware), operating system and other programs, application software, communication equipment, communication lines (including subscription with a telecommunication company and provider), peripheral equipment and accessories, driver software, and other necessary devices.
MIPRO implements preliminary virus checks and other User protection measures for all website contents for distribution. However, Users should carefully manage and use their equipment properly, as MIPRO will not be held liable for repair, compensation, or any other correction measures whatsoever for the malfunctions of Users' equipment caused by technical trouble with the Internet, operating system, web browser, computer or peripheral equipment.
You may create links to the MIPRO website in accordance with the following terms (provided that the website that links to the MIPRO website is not directly intended for commercial purposes or is not deemed offensive to public order and morals).
MIPRO collects personal information from Users on the occasions given below, by safe and appropriate means, after specifying the intended purpose and receiving their consent. MIPRO uses the personal information it collects solely for providing pertinent Information Services to Users, and takes utmost care in protecting and handling that information.
MIPRO protects and handles the personal information it collects on the above occasions in an appropriate and safe manner, in accordance with the personal information protection policies outlined in MIPRO's Privacy Policy (established Feb. 7, 2003; revised Nov. 26, 2004; revised Apr. 26, 2005; revised Apr. 1, 2013) (
The intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademarks, and all other relevant rights) of all information, contents, etc. that MIPRO provides to Users through said Information Services are the property of MIPRO, unless expressly specified otherwise.
Information provided through said Information Services may not be reproduced, cited, distributed, published, or otherwise used for purposes other than for personal viewing by Users, in whole or in part, by any means, without the express permission of MIPRO.
If you wish to use the information for secondary purposes, contact the relevant contents department or, giving the names of your company and contact person, the information (contents) you wish to use, and the reason for using it (methods of use). MIPRO will reply after reviewing your request.
Users of said Information Services assume total responsibility and risk of using the services. MIPRO prepares and manages the information it provides via website with careful discretion, but does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of all information. MIPRO is neither responsible for any information Users acquire from a linked site.
Under no circumstances will MIPRO be held liable for any direct or indirect damages to Users or third parties that arise in connection with the provision and termination of the Information Services or in relation to the information provided through said Information Services.
Users agree to indemnify MIPRO from any proceedings concerning compensation for damages or other disputes made in connection with said Information Services between Users and a third party. Should a User's breach of this agreement or engagement in any fraudulent or illegal action in relation to this agreement injure the reputation and trust of MIPRO in any way that may adversely affect its business and make continuation of business difficult, or cause personal or economic damages or other losses, MIPRO reserves the right to seek damages against said User.
MIPRO may revise or modify these Terms of Use from time to time, to improve the usefulness and value of services to Users. The modified Terms of Use will be posted on the MIPRO website.
In the event of a legal dispute arising out of or in connection with the terms provided in paragraph 14, "Limitation of Liability" between MIPRO and a User, the court having jurisdiction over the area where MIPRO is situated shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of agreement.
August, 2017
Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization (MIPRO)
6th floor, World Import Mart Bldg. (P.O. Box 2129)
3-1-3 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8630 Japan
TEL: 03-3988-2791
FAX: 03-3988-1629